Syphilis pictures show the nature of the disease

syphilis pictures This article will help many people who are wondering whether they have syphilis or not, so that it is easier to notice both the lesions that show the characteristics of the disease. Genital area, body, palms, Intouchmedicare would like to introduce Syphilis picture Let’s look at it as an example.

Picture of syphilis lesions on the penis


It started as a red bump that didn’t hurt. which will enlarge, be hard to feel, have convex edges, and the surface is covered with blood and dry lymph. This type of wound in males usually occurs around the foreskin.

Picture of a syphilis rash on the palms


There is a rash (skin rash), a red rash spread on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet with peeling white scales, similar to rose petals, called Roseola Syphilitica. It is the second stage of shiphilis.

Syphilis rash on the body


A red-brown rash, not itchy, can be found all over the body, including the chest and back. Fever and joint pain may also occur due to arthritis.

Patients with syphilis have patches of hair loss


Syphilis patients who have progressed to stage 2 will have patches of hair and a rash.

Picture of genital syphilis


Image showing a syphilis rash on the female genitals. When left alone, the wound will become thicker.

Picture of genital syphilis


In females, syphilis lesions usually do not cause any symptoms, as in males. Sometimes the wound develops deeper into the vagina or cervix. which cannot be seen from the outside

Pictures of syphilis  The above are only some examples. If anyone still has doubts and is worried about whether they have syphilis or not, it is recommended that you hurry and see a doctor quickly. So that the doctor can properly diagnose and enter the treatment process. It’s the best for the patient.

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Latest edit : 01/04/2024

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